
Why is Clonazepam beneficial over Diazepam for sleep disorder treatment?

Clonazepam –found under the brand name Klonopin – is often used to treat sleep disorders and provide instant relief from panic attacks along with seizures. However, the medication is not intended for long-term use. Many consider using Diazepam instead of Clonazepam when it comes to the treatment and management of sleeping orders, even though Clonazepam is considered to be much more beneficial than Diazepam.

In general, people who take Clonazepam for their sleeping disorders report feeling relaxed and being able to fall asleep far quicker than they do when they take Diazepam. In addition to this, Clonazepam typically begins working within an hour. It is exceptionally fast. While Diazepam works quickly as well, it presents various interactions with a wide variety of medications, which can cause severe complications. Clonazepam has few contraindications. Similarly, Clonazepam can be used with antidepressants, while Diazepam can not. Clonazepam is known to last for an extended amount of time as opposed to Diazepam. Klonopin (Clonazepam) has less severe withdrawal symptoms compared to other similar medicines. However, Diazepam has less severe withdrawal symptoms, as well. Clonazepam can be used to treat:

  • Seizures
  • Panic disorder or anxiety disorder
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Social anxiety or social phobia
  • Sleepwalking disorder
  • Essential tremor or tremors
  • Burning mouth syndrome

Diazepam is found in generic form, too. There are various side effects associated with it when taken for the treatment of sleeping disorders. In fact, Diazepam can cause short-term memory problems, drowsiness, dizziness or fatigue, as well as confusion.

Both of the medications can be habit-forming, so neither is typically used for long-term treatment. Most people find that their bodies get used to the effects of Diazepam as well as Clonazepam, which requires them to seek higher doses over time in order to experience the initial effect. As mentioned, Diazepam has more contraindications, which means that it interacts with various types of medications – even common ones. In addition to this, people with severe liver problems are advised against the use of Diazepam. Instead, they are prescribed Clonazepam, as it does not affect the liver in any way.

Similarly, most conditions that are treated or managed with the help of Diazepam include:

  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol withdrawal
  • Seizures
  • Muscle spasm
  • Sleep disorders

The Takeaway

In essence, Clonazepam is considered more beneficial than Diazepam because it is shorter-acting. It also works quicker than Diazepam. In cases involving sleep disorders, it is ideal to take medications that are shorter-acting and quick acting. This allows one to fall asleep quickly and for a limited amount of time – this helps avoid the disruption of one's day-to-day life. Note that the effects of Clonazepam are active for 10 hours maximum - which is the ideal timeframe for a healthy sleeping pattern. Clonazepam helps develop a healthy sleeping pattern, which continues to be a part of one's life even after stopping the use of the medication. Keep in mind that both medicines are intended for short-term use, which means using them for a more extended period than prescribed may lead to dependency or addiction.
