
What Painkillers Can I Take with Pregabalin?


If you’ve been prescribed Pregabalin, you may wonder if taking other painkillers with it is safe. The answer can depend on your particular circumstances and what type of painkiller you are considering taking. Let’s take a look at this question in more detail. 

What is Pregabalin? 

Pregabalin is a medication commonly prescribed to treat nerve pain, such as neuropathy or post-herpetic neuralgia. It works by calming down certain areas of the brain and blocking signals sent from overactive nerves. These signals can cause chronic pain, tingling, numbness, and even seizures in some cases. As Pregabalin works by affecting the brain, it can interact with other medications that affect the central nervous system. This means that if you are taking other pain relief medications—such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or opioids—you should talk to your doctor about potential interactions before taking them together with Pregabalin. 

Can I Take Over-the-Counter Painkillers? 

If your doctor has prescribed Pregabalin for your chronic nerve pain, taking over-the-counter (OTC) medications containing acetaminophen or ibuprofen alongside Pregabalin is generally safe. However, OTC medications containing aspirin should be avoided when taking Pregabalin as they may increase the risk of bleeding from stomach ulcers or gastrointestinal irritation. It is also important to remember that while OTC medications may provide some relief from mild pain, they will not be effective for treating severe or chronic nerve pain and should not be used as a substitute for prescription medication such as Pregabalin. 

Other Considerations 

When taking any kind of medication—prescription or OTC—it is important to read all of the information provided on the label carefully and follow the instructions exactly as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. You should also talk to a healthcare professional if you have any questions about potential interactions between Pregabalin and other medications you may be taking for other conditions such as high blood pressure or depression. Finally, always make sure that you keep track of how much medicine you are taking so that you don’t accidentally overdose on either Pregabalin or any other drugs taken in combination with it.  


Pregabalin is an effective treatment for neuropathic pain, but it can interact with other medications taken at the same time. It is generally safe to take over-the-counter painkillers containing acetaminophen or ibuprofen alongside Pregabalin, but aspirin should be avoided as this could increase the risk of bleeding from stomach ulcers or gastrointestinal irritation. When taking any kind of medication—prescription or OTC—it is important to read all of the information provided on the label carefully and follow the instructions exactly as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Also, make sure that you keep track of how much medication you are taking so that you don’t accidentally overdose on either Pregabalin or any other drugs taken in combination with it. If in doubt, always check with your healthcare provider before combining different types of medications!
